Beginner’s guide to paying for long-t...

Beginner’s guide to paying for long-term care

If you need care, the first step is work out what level you need and if you can afford it. We’ll guide you through the process, including how to check if you qualify for funding. What’s In this guide Sort your finances first  Check if you’re entitled to any benefit payments  Consider if family could […]

Immediate needs annuity

Immediate needs annuity

If you need a regular income now to pay for care at home or a care home, an immediate needs annuity (or immediate need care fee payment plan) could be worth looking at. The income from this type of annuity is tax free if it’s paid directly to the care provider. What’s in this guide […]

What is a deferred payment agreement?

What is a deferred payment agreement?

A deferred payment agreement is an arrangement with your council that lets you use your home’s value to cover care home costs. It lets you delay paying those costs until later, so you don’t have to sell your home right away.   What’s in this guide When would you use a deferred payment agreement?  How does […]

First steps when someone dies

First steps when someone dies

It can be hard to know what to do when a close friend or relative dies. Naturally, it can also be a very distressing time. It may be that the death is sudden and unexpected or it may be there was time to make plans about certain things such as the funeral.  Whatever the circumstances […]

How do deal with debt in order?

How do deal with debt in order?

If you’re starting to miss some of your bill payments, you might be feeling overwhelmed. Find out how to prioritise and work out which debts to pay off first and get the help you need if you’re struggling with your payments. What’s in this guide Why it’s important to pay off debts in the right order  […]

What is a County Court Judgment (CCJ)...

What is a County Court Judgment (CCJ)?

A County Court Judgment (CCJ) is a type of court order in England, Wales and Northern Ireland that might be registered against you if you fail to repay money you owe. Find out more about what to do if you receive a County Court claim form. A CCJ is sometimes referred to as a County […]

Using an equity release scheme to fun...

Using an equity release scheme to fund your care

If you need to fund your long-term care and have already paid off, or nearly paid off, your mortgage, an equity release scheme is one option to consider. But, equity release isn’t for everyone, so use this guide to help you decide.  What’s in this guide What is equity release?  How do equity release schemes […]

Help with mortgage payments

Help with mortgage payments

Higher interest rates mean many are struggling with more costly monthly payments. If you’re worried about keeping up with your mortgage – or have already fallen behind – there are steps you can take to get back on track. Discover the help you can get now, including tailored support from your lender and added help […]

Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI)

Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI)

If you’re on certain benefits and struggling to pay your mortgage, you might be able to get a loan from the government to help pay the interest – so your usual repayments are less. This is called Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI). What’s in this guide What is a Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) loan?  […]

Sale-and-rent-back schemes

Sale-and-rent-back schemes

  Sale-and-rent-back schemes are where you sell your home but continue living there as a rent-paying tenant. What’s in this guide What is a sale-and-rent-back scheme?  Risks with sale-and-rent-back schemes  Sale-and-rent-back alternatives  If a sale-and-rent-back scheme is your only option  Get the key facts  Sale and rent back – if things go wrong  Useful contacts  […]